Consultations and Conference Presentations

Rhoda Bernard, managing director of the Berklee Institute for Accessible Arts Education and assistant chair of music education, has given numerous local, national, and international conference presentations on various topics in arts education and students with disabilities. Presentation formats include academic research presentations, panel discussions, roundtable discussions, immersive workshops, and policy presentations. Contact Bernard at if you wish to engage her as a presenter for your event or conference.
Rhoda Bernard and her staff regularly provide consultations to educators, arts educators, special educators, teaching artists, program administrators, and college faculty and students. Consultations can take the form of meetings with teaching staff, meetings with administrators, team teaching, and observations of teaching with feedback. Surveys and guiding questions before the sessions are used to ensure that consultation time is valuable and productive.
Recent clients include the Wellesley, Watertown, Winchester, Lawrence, Boston, and Lexington public schools.
For more information, please contact Rhoda Bernard.