Bucket Drumming Class


Learn to play percussion through the fun and engaging art of bucket drumming. Find your rhythm, and increase your motor skills and hand/eye coordinationBucket drumming can be a social activity to promote ensemble skills or a solo exercise for participants who aspire to be drummers, but cannot afford a drum set. It can be used as a vessel for preparing, practicing, and presenting percussive techniques. This class is intended for participants ages 9 and up who are interested in learning percussion and creating music with other people.

Ages: 9 and up.

When: 12 Saturdays in the fall and spring semesters.

Tuition: $300 per semester. Need-based tuition assistance is available to families that qualify.

Additional Information

  • Participants must have a diagnosed disability.
  • No previous musical experience is necessary.
  • Participants must be able to participate effectively in lessons or classes, and maintain an environment that is safe for themselves and others.
  • Each participant will receive a five-gallon bucket and drum sticks for them to keep.


Watch a slide presentation about the class created by our instructors Erin Eberhardt.
