Arts Education Program Policies

By registering for an arts education program at the Berklee Institute for Accessible Arts Education (BIAAE), you agree to the policies outlined below.

Admissions Policies and Grounds for Dismissal

We strive to create and maintain a safe and effective learning environment for all of our participants. Therefore, participants who engage in behaviors that may be unsafe for themselves or others, or that may damage Berklee property, will not be permitted to participate in our programs; they will be dismissed.

Participant dismissal from our programs will occur in any of the following cases:

  • Physical aggression (including, but not limited to, biting, hitting, kicking, hair pulling, head butting, spitting, and so on) with other participants or staff, or attending caregivers, parents, and guardians
  • Inappropriate physical contact with other participants or staff, or attending caregivers, parents, and guardians
  • Inappropriate physical contact with Berklee property that may cause damage or destruction to Berklee property
  • Abusive or inappropriate language
  • Any behavior that makes other participants or staff feel unsafe
  • Failure to follow the Code of Conduct, as stated in our program applications
  • Other situations to be determined on a case-by-case basis in consultation among staff members and the managing director of the BIAAE.

Participants Requiring One-on-One Support

Our class and ensemble programs provide small group supervision and instruction with low teacher-to-participant ratios, but we do not provide one-on-one support for individual participants. Participants who require such support may be accepted to our programs and may be able to participate, but they must be accompanied by a personal caregiver or assistant provided by the participant's family.

Application Procedure

Every participant must submit an online application for the program in which they wish to participate. Program applications can be found on each program's web page; click on the red Apply button at the bottom of the page to access the application.

Applications are reviewed by our staff, and families are contacted for follow-up interviews. Once a participant has been accepted to a program, the participant need not reapply to continue in that same program. However, if a participant in one program wishes to participate in a different program, the participant must submit an application to the new program.


Registration is completed by the BIAAE office staff.

Once a participant has been accepted into a program, the participant will receive the following two items by email, about two weeks before the start of the new semester:

  • Detailed registration and program information
  • An invoice for tuition costs


Payment in full is required before the start of the semester. There are three payment options: 

  • By credit card: The invoices that are emailed to participants include a link for online payment by credit card.
  • By personal check: Personal checks are accepted.
  • By check from a third party: Checks from a third party are accepted.

Please make the check payable to Berklee College of Music and mail it to the following address:

Rhoda Bernard, Ed.D.

Managing Director 

Berklee Institute for Accessible Arts Education

1140 Boylston Street


Boston, MA 02215

Tuition Assistance

The BIAAE provides some need-based tuition assistance to participants who qualify. To be considered for tuition assistance, a participant must fill out and submit the tuition assistance application form and provide all related documentation. There is a link to this form on every program's web page.

Tuition assistance application forms and documentation do not need to be submitted again if the participant wishes to enroll in multiple semesters, but they do need to be submitted again if there are significant changes to a participant's or family's financial situation that they wish the committee to consider.

All tuition assistance applications are reviewed, and financial information is verified. The awarding of tuition assistance is dependent on the determination of participant need and the availability of tuition assistance funds.

Withdrawal/Refund Policy

Participants who choose to withdraw from an arts education program must notify Rhoda Bernard, the managing director, in writing via email at

Tuition cannot be refunded once the semester has begun.

Late/Absence Policy

BIAAE policies have been developed to encourage and promote joyful study of the arts for our participants. Therefore, regular attendance at our programs is expected. Participants who arrive late cannot be guaranteed a full class or lesson.

For the Private Music Lessons Program:

  • Participants who provide their instructors with a minimum of 24 hours' notice before an absence can receive up to two make-up lessons per semester.
  • Participants who do not provide their instructors with a minimum of 24 hours' notice before an absence will not have that lesson made up.
  • Instructors will make up lessons for all missed lessons due to teacher absence.

For group classes and ensembles:

  • There are no make-up sessions for participant absences.
  • Instructors will make up sessions for all missed group classes and ensembles due to teacher absence.

NOTE: Participants with four or more unexcused absences from any of our Arts Education Programs in a single semester will be removed from that program unless the participant can provide information regarding extenuating circumstances to the Managing Director. Participants who are removed from one or more programs under these circumstances will be put onto the waiting list and given the opportunity to rejoin the program(s) in a future semester.

Participant Transportation Policy

All BIAAE in-person participants must be brought to campus and taken home from campus by a parent or guardian, or by an approved caregiver. 

**Students may not take ridesharing, taxis, or app ride transportation to or from campus for BIAAE programs unless accompanied by a parent, guardian, or approved caregiver.**

If the parent or guardian cannot bring the student to campus and/or take the student home from campus, they must provide the BIAAE with the name and telephone number of an approved caregiver who will bring the student and/or pick up the student on a given day. That information should be provided to Eliza Shaughnessy by email at no later than 3 full days (72 hours) prior to the start of the day in question.

In the event that a student is not picked up by a parent, guardian, or approved caregiver following the conclusion of their lesson, class, or internship at the BIAAE:

-A BIAAE staff member will contact the parent by phone. 

-If the parent/guardian/approved caregiver does not arrive within 15 minutes after the phone call, or if the staff member is unable to reach the parent, the staff member will take the participant to the Security Desk at 8 Fenway and will contact the parent to tell them this is where they need to retrieve the participant. 

-Parents will be charged a fee of $50 for every half hour after the conclusion of the lesson, class, or internship that the participant remains on campus. The participant will not be permitted to continue in their lessons, classes, or internship until the fee is paid in full. 

-After three incidents in which a participant remains on campus for more than a half hour after the conclusion of their lesson, class, or internship, the participant will not be permitted to participate in any BIAAE programs for the remainder of the semester. 


Please consult your registration and program information email for information as to the specific instructional weeks of each semester.

Weather cancellations will be communicated directly by the instructors via email and telephone on Friday evening for Saturday sessions.