Minor in Philosophy

The philosophy minor at Berklee offers students an opportunity to explore major philosophical schools of thought, including idealism, realism, pragmatism, existentialism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Students develop the qualities of critical thinking, philosophical inquiry, and analysis. Students also engage in philosophical questioning and apply ethical issues to their study of music. The philosophy minor has at its foundation the belief that philosophical discourse is an essential component of the educational experience. Studying philosophy enables students to develop into individuals who possess a love of wisdom and who understand and interpret the human condition.

Entrance Requirements

Students must complete the following coursework before beginning the minor and must follow the regular declaration of minor procedure as outlined in the Registration Guide(Opens in a new window)

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of a minor in philosophy, students will:

  • synthesize and integrate knowledge of philosophical schools of thought, including idealism, realism, pragmatism, existentialism, Buddhism, and Taoism;
  • apply philosophical thinking in real world contexts;
  • evaluate major philosophical themes;
  • understand key terminology in philosophy;
  • compose written and oral communications appropriate to the study of philosophy; and
  • apply critical thinking and practical reasoning to the study of philosophy.
Curriculum and Courses

Four courses are needed for completion of the minor (at least 12 credits).

Required Courses (6 credits)

Elective Courses (choose two from the following; 6 credits):