Minor in Conducting: Choral Track


The conducting minor is an organized program of courses for students interested in conducting. The minor in conducting will consist of 10–12 credit hours, including core courses in conducting, orchestration, and specialized advanced electives, as well as opportunities for individual instruction through COND-498 Directed Study in Conducting. Students will decide on one of four tracks: contemporary (i.e., orchestral), theater music direction, choral, or music education.

The choral conducting track is focused specifically for students who are more interested in choral conducting rather than instrumental conducting.

The repertoire studied will focus on the choral literature through all major style periods. Techniques specific to vocal conducting such as vocal warm-up, concert planning for choruses, accompanying, and choral voicing will be presented. Students will learn conducting for both accompanied and a cappella choruses. Students in this track will take specific conducting classes as well as additional studies in style analysis and choral composition. Note that COND-498 may be taken twice for elective credit.

Entrance Requirements

There are no entrance requirements for this minor. Students must follow the regular declaration of minor procedure as outlined in the Registration Guide. This minor is managed by the Composition Department.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of a minor in conducting: choral track, students will:

  • analyze and transcribe music scores in a variety of styles for a variety of ensembles (e.g., chamber orchestra, chorus);
  • demonstrate the ability to prepare a score for rehearsal;
  • demonstrate the ability to rehearse vocal ensembles of varying size;
  • conduct public performances and recording sessions of vocal ensembles;
  • develop concert programs commensurate with the skill level, size, and composition of a vocal ensemble; and
  • synthesize and apply knowledge of orchestration techniques to score preparation, rehearsal, and performance. 
Curriculum and Courses

Required Courses (7 credits):

Elective Courses (choose from two of the following; 3 or 4 credits):

  • COND-311: Advanced Conducting Seminar with Live Orchestra (2 credits)
  • COND-321: Choral Rehearsal Techniques for Music Education Majors (2 credits)
  • COND-322: Instrumental Rehearsal Techniques for Music Education Majors (2 credits)
  • COND-355: Conducting Small Ensembles (2 credits)
  • COND-421: Advanced Rehearsal Techniques (2 credits)
  • COND-498: Directed Study in Conducting (1 credit)

Note: COND-498 may be taken a second time for elective credit.

Seven courses (10–11 credits) are required for completion of the minor.