Minor in English: Literature Track

The English minor in literature enables students to enhance their analytical reading, critical thinking, and interpretation skills.

Students apply critical, logical, and creative thinking. They analyze texts as well as debate, reflect, develop ideas, pose questions, and solve problems. Students also participate in the arts they study, writing poems, stories, plays, and picture books. Students relate the study of literature to the study of music as they explore various literary genres including fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and drama.

Further, the minor recognizes the importance of the changing technological and informational environment students use to appropriate the arts and addresses themes and trends through written, spoken, and digital communications.

Entrance Requirements

Students must take LENG-111: Introduction to College Writing. 

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of a minor in English, literature track, students will:

  • apply critical, logical, and creative thinking to analyze literature and related arts;
  • evaluate major themes, trends, and key terminology in the discipline, including plot, point of view, symbolism, character, imagery, theme, setting, and rhetorical structure;
  • connect the study of literature with the study of music;
  • employ speaking and writing to reflect, develop ideas, pose questions, solve problems, analyze arguments, and recognize faulty logic;
  • extend aesthetic and critical knowledge to the production of creative writing and performance;
  • connect cultural, historical, philosophical, and aesthetic context to literature and related arts;
  • listen to diverse artistic voices from different groups and time periods;
  • discover the interconnections between literature and other arts such as music, film, graphic art, and drama; and
  • explore various literary genres including fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and drama.
Curriculum and Courses

Required Course (3 credits)

Elective Courses (choose three from the following; 9 credits):