150-B58 Technology Lab: Mashine Room

Technology Lab 150-B58 is a versatile lab, designed to allow students to bring in controllers and other equipment from the equipment room. This lab provides 10 students with stations and central seating space. It mainly supports the Electronic Production and Design program and electronic digital instrument courses.
Teaching Station
- Apple Mac Studio
- Dell 24" Display (2)
- MOTU Ultralite AVB
- MOTU 1248
- MOTU Micro Express USB
- Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 12
- Pittsburgh Modular System 10.1+
- Roland System 1m
- StudioComm Model 74
- Mackie 1202 VLZ4
- Genelec 8250 (2)
- Genelec 7270A
- Genelec AD9200A
- Samsung 65" Display (2)
- Kramer 4x4 HDMI Switcher
- ELMO M-1
- GoPro Hero4
- Nexigo N930P

Student Stations (10)
- Apple Mac Studio
- Dell 24" Display (2)
- MOTU Ultralite AVB
- MOTU Micro Express USB
- Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 12
- Pittsburgh Modular System 10.1+
- Roland System 1m