136-B07 Studio F

Studio F offers a classroom setting with stadium seating. Ideal for mixdown and editing, Studio F includes a full suite of digital editing software, an API Legacy Plus console, a variety of outboard gear, and a two-track analog tape machine. The room is primarily used by students starting out in the Music Production and Engineering program.
- API Legacy Plus with API 550L EQs
- Apple Mac Studio
- Avid MTRX II
- MOTU MIDI Timepiece AV
- Apogee Big Ben
- Avid Sync HD
- Auratone 5-PSC
- ATC SCM25A Pro
- Dynaudio BM12S Subwoofer
- Yamaha NS-10M
- Bryston 4B-ST
Media Recording/Playback
- HHB CDR-830 Plus
- JoeCo Blackbox BBPB1
- Marantz PMD-330
- Otari MTR-10
Outboard Equipment
- API 2500
- API 525 (2)
- API 560 (2)
- Bricasti M7 Reverb
- DBX 1066
- DBX 160
- Drawmer DS-201 (2)
- Eventide DDL 500
- Eventide Reverb 2016
- GML 8200
- Lexicon PCM-42
- Studio Technologies Echoplate
- Summit TLA-50 (2)
- TC Electronic D-Two
- TC Electronic M-One
- TC Electronic M3000
- Universal Audio LA-3A (2)
- Universal Audio 1176 LN
- Samsung 55" Display