The live audition is an opportunity for you to showcase your current level of musicianship, potential for growth, and readiness to succeed in our unique learning environment to Berklee College of Music faculty members. We focus on performance, improvisation, sight-reading, and ear training because we seek students who are prepared to study and master all elements of their craft.
If you are interested in applying for the Bachelor of Arts program, visit the interview guidelines page to learn about the live assessment.
What the Audition Entails
Details about each component of the audition are outlined below. Please be sure to review the Additional Guidelines by Instrument page, as some instrument departments require additional demonstration of technical abilities.
Prepared Piece
Your prepared piece must be:
- performed live (it cannot be prerecorded—you must be able to demonstrate live performance skills);
- three to five minutes in length; and
- performed on your primary instrument (the instrument you select when you submit the application form).
If you change the instrument you wish to audition with after submitting your application form, please email
Berklee embraces and values all musical styles, so you should perform a piece that you are comfortable with and that displays your strengths as a musician. Select a piece that highlights what you feel represents your best abilities, rather than a piece you think the audition team wants to hear.
Some examples that may help with your selection include the following:
- A tune from a well-known artist or band (any style)
- A standard or jazz tune (which may include blues and rhythm changes) with your own improvisation
- A composition from the instrumental/voice repertoire or a movement, sonata, concerto, or etude
- A transcription of a well-known artist's solo
Producers and Electronic Musicians
If you create music digitally using a computer, software, and hardware, you may qualify for the electronic digital instrument (EDI) program.
Learn more about EDI
Composers and Songwriters
If composing or songwriting is your primary focus, you may choose to perform an original piece on your primary instrument that showcases your individual style. Your original piece should be no longer than three minutes, and you should also prepare a second piece from the above listing (no longer than three minutes).
If you are a singer-songwriter, please note that you must choose one principal instrument for the audition. For example, if you play guitar and sing, you must choose to be assessed on either guitar or voice (not both).
You will improvise over a short instrumental progression or drum beat. You should be prepared to play or sing over a standard I-IV-V blues progression. If you audition online, the faculty adjudicators will share a backing track file with you, which gives you the chance to improvise in-time.
Explore practice exercises for improvisation and blues.
You will be asked to read a written notation example and play it on your instrument with the correct pitches and note durations. The examples range from basic to complex in order for the audition team to gauge your reading ability.
Ear Training
You will be asked to participate in ear training exercises, including the following:
- Call and response: playing, clapping, or singing back short rhythms and melodies
- Identifying intervals and chord qualities
- Pitch matching: singing or playing back a series of pitches
What to Bring
Audition rooms are typically equipped with a piano, a drum set, guitar and bass amplifiers, a PA system, and music stands. You need to supply the following:
- Your instrument: You must bring your instrument to the audition if you play acoustic or electric bass, brass, guitar, hand percussion, a string instrument (including the harp, mandolin, and banjo), or woodwinds.
- Your accompaniment/backing track: If you require accompaniment for your prepared piece, you may bring an accompanist or a smartphone. Berklee does not provide an accompanist to applicants at auditions. If you are interested in hiring an accompanist and need help finding someone, please contact our Career Center at
- Your cables/adapters: You must bring any necessary cables and adapters for your instrument.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the application process different for the Bachelor of Music degree vs. the Bachelor of Arts degree?
Bachelor of Arts applicants complete an online interview and are not required to audition. Bachelor of Music applicants complete a live audition and interview, which may be conducted either in person or online. Read more about the differences between the two programs.
What happens at an audition and interview event in Boston?
If you come to our Boston campus to audition and interview, there will be opportunities for you to take a student-led campus tour, attend an info session, and see a live student performance.
Learn More
What happens at an audition and interview event that’s hosted outside of Boston?
If you choose an in-person audition location outside of Boston, you will still have an opportunity to talk to an admissions representative or student ambassador about life at Berklee. If you complete your audition and interview online, you will virtually meet Berklee College of Music staff and faculty members, but you will not interact with any current students.
Whenever possible, we encourage you to audition and interview on our Boston campus. This allows you to tour the campus, meet current students, and see student performances. There are several Boston dates scheduled throughout the year.
Can my family and friends come to the audition and interview event?
Family and friends may wait with you prior to being called, but they are not allowed to observe your warm-up, audition, or interview. If you have an accompanist or backing band, they may only join you for the warm-up and prepared piece section of the audition. Family and friends are not allowed to attend an online audition and interview.
What happens if I miss or need to reschedule my audition?
Auditions at Berklee are offered on a first-come, first-served basis and capacity is limited. All applicants invited to audition are expected to attend on their scheduled date and time. Failure to do so may result in your application being withdrawn. If you experience extenuating circumstances that result in your need to reschedule, please contact
Berklee is committed to providing equitable access to our auditions and interviews. Please contact to inquire about any accommodation or accessibility needs. View the Online Audition and Interviews FAQs page to learn about the online audition and interview process.