Zoe Murphy

Student Success Advisor

Zoe Murphy joined the student success advising team in October of 2022. Murphy strives to give her students focused advice catered to their individual needs. She prioritizes educating, and empowering her students to have the tools to be successful musicians on a long-term scale. Additionally, as a previous conservatory student, she uses her background in music theory and overall musical culture to advise and relate to her students' experiences.

Outside of Berklee, Murphy has been extremely active within the arts administration, nonprofit, and music education fields throughout the New England area. She currently works as a brass instructor for the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra and continues to work as a freelance trumpet player and composer, dedicated to creating music that highlights under represented communities. Her most recent project is an album that highlights the trauma and identity issues of a biracial person living in America. Murphy has received a B.M in jazz studies-trumpet from Indiana University in 2020, and a M.M in jazz performance-trumpet from New England Conservatory in 2022. 


Please log in to view Zoe's booking link and make an appointment.

Your Success Network

Your student success advisor partners with your success network, a team of specialty advisors, to help you achieve your goals. Your success network includes the following speciality advisors:

  • Career Advisor: How to seek and prepare for jobs, internships, and other opportunities
  • International Student Services Advisor: How to comply with visa requirements, vacation semesters, OPT, and more
  • Case Manager: How to navigate health care, get resources for basic needs, find an off-campus provider, and get guidance about the Student Health Insurance Plan
  • Access Advisor: How to request disability-related accommodations for dining, housing and classes, and more

Meet with a Specialty Advisor