Your Alumni Services

New Password & 2FA Requirements

Berklee requires all alumni users to reset their passwords by February 18 to comply with the new minimum password length requirement. Additionally, alumni must enable two-factor authentication (2FA) by March 3 to enhance account security. Failure to complete these steps by the respective deadlines may result in restricted access to Berklee systems.

Learn More(Opens in a new window)


Your Berklee account gives you access to alumni services that provide exclusive and Berklee Hub and Berklee Connect content (login required), the Berklee Career Manager and Library resources (login required). Please see transcript requests for all transcript needs; access to your Berklee account is not required.


Get Started

Berklee alumni can continue to use their existing Berklee OneLogin account to access alumni services. Alumni services are automatically provisioned on accounts approximately one month after a semester's end.  If you graduated recently, your existing password is still valid. If you do not have access to your Berklee OneLogin account, please follow the steps below.

1. Request access to alumni services via email.

Contact Alumni Affairs at to request a Berklee account by providing the following:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth 
  • Last semester enrolled at a Berklee campus 
  • Campus attended (Berklee in Boston, Boston Conservatory at Berklee, Berklee Valencia, or Berklee Online)
  • Email address for account recovery (must be a personal address not affiliated with Berklee)

Note: For security purposes, we require this information be sent via email. Alumni Affairs will respond within 3 business days.

2. Set up your Berklee account.
Upon receipt of your account request, Alumni Affairs will follow up with further instructions and send a system-generated invitation to finish setting up your Berklee OneLogin account. The invitation is sent from in a new window), use the link in the email to set your password and login to access alumni services. Please note, the link expires after 24 hours.
3. Access your alumni services.

Log in to in a new window). Your username is the same as your student username and was confirmed in the instruction email from Alumni Affairs. Use the new password created in Step 2. When logged in, resources are accessible via Campus Tools next to Log Out. To view all services available on your account, visit in a new window) and click on the Berklee: Everything tab.

Having technical issues? See our account FAQ section below, or contact us at Please include the required details above in your support request.


Frequently Asked Questions