Alumni Career Resources


As a Berklee alumnus or alumna, you can access a variety of resources to support your career. To take advantage of many of these resources, you will need your alumni account. (Don’t have one? Request your alumni account.)

Berklee Career Manager

The Berklee Career Manager is an online tool for jobs, internships, gigs, and connections. Learn more about the Berklee Career Manager.

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Berklee Career Center

The Berklee Career Center offers resources, internships, professional development programs, and events for alumni as well as students. Contact the Career Center for more information on how we can help you.

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Berklee Connect

Berklee Connect lets you find students and alumni from Berklee College of Music, Berklee Online, and Boston Conservatory at Berklee.

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Alumni Internships

Did you know that if you've graduated within the past eight months, you can still enroll in a Berklee internship course?* Contact the Career Center for more information on alumni internships.

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