Featured Bass Student
Alan Peralta

"Although I started playing the piano first, I never took to it. My Sister received a guitar for her birthday and I was enthralled by the thought of having an instrument like hers, so for the next available holiday my parents were kind enough to buy me my very first Ibanez 4-string electric bass. I was around 14 when I started taking lessons with my professor and main musical inspiration, [Berklee Professor] Fernando Huergo. And though it wasn't immediate, I took to the electric bass with far more enthusiasm."
"I studied jazz at the New School for a year before coming to Berklee, where I was able to truly develop myself and my sound. I came here due to the enriching opportunities available at this institution, the various musical aspects available for studying, and the large amount of unique and talented musicians. While the New School is an excellent learning environment with a tremendous wealth of knowledge to share, I found myself fitting in better at Berklee."
"I'd like to succeed as a bassist in the LA studio scene, or abroad wherever bassists are called for, along with other writing and producing opportunities that my second major, Contemporary Writing and Production, allows. So far, I've gone on tour to Korea with a band by the name of ÁBI, and I hope that I receive more opportunities to tour and shows where I praise God with my music."
Watch Peralta perform with ÁBI: