Featured Student: Maddie Jay

“While I was in Boston for Five-Week in 2012, the bass player of my ensemble didn't show up, and I decided that I would take over as I was the only other stringed instrument, and I could probably figure it out. That class became my favorite event every week, and I came to the realization that I was excited about bass in a different and bigger way than I had ever been about violin. I ended up going home and teaching myself through YouTube bass lessons, playing at least four or five hours a day in my bedroom. The next spring I auditioned for the undergrad program and was accepted.”
“I knew Berklee was the right place for me because I am very serious about my career and my passion. I am also into a lot of experimental music and forward-thinking artists, and I knew that I would be surrounded by those kinds of influences here, rather than many other music schools where the focus is on the past. I am an avid writer as well, and I'd seen so many incredible innovators, songwriters, and composers come out of this college. Since coming here I have had immense support from students and faculty; it is an incredible feeling knowing that there is this giant support network that I am now a part of.”
“I have my own project (Maddie Jay & the pH Collective) that I plan to keep writing and arranging for, but my ideal path is to connect with amazing working musicians and eventually make my name performing and touring with major artists as well as working as a studio/session player.”
Watch Maddie Jay and the pH Collective perform at Berklee: