Samantha Hale
Samantha Hale '06 is a board-certified music therapist, multi-instrumentalist, performer and songwriter, college instructor, and advocate for just and inclusive social systems. Her clinical and educational work centers around the positive role the arts play in building healthy relationships. Through her work at the Center for Teen Empowerment(Opens in a new window), Hale conceptualized the intersection of the professional arts, music therapy, and social justice.
Along with some of Boston's youth labeled high-risk, Hale and fellow alumnus Matt MacArthur ’10, director of The Record Company(Opens in a new window), Hale conceived Boston’s only youth-run and adult-supported record label, B4 Records(Opens in a new window). B4 Records aims to challenge the status quo by producing socially conscious and progressive music.
At B4 Records, youth community leaders, producers, and artists unite with adult mentors to address the social issues faced by those in their communities, developing a deeper understanding of how racism, discrimination, and oppression directly and indirectly impact those issues. The record label helps youth positively voice their concerns through creative expression—including songwriting, production, and recording—and implement an action plan through community organizing, which connects them to a wide range of community- and youth-centric initiatives, including talents shows, open mics, attendance at local events, and community dialogues centered on topics such as youth and police relationships.