160-A132 Studio 2: The Ark

The Ark, also known as Studio 2, affords the opportunity to record up to approximately 30 players at a time. Its 1,400 square feet of space is extraordinarily versatile, thanks to dual-sided wood/fabric wall panels that can be either reflective or absorbent depending on how they are positioned. The studio features a large-scale analog recording console—the Neve 88RS—with 48 channels and automation, as well as a Bösendorfer seven-foot grand piano. This space is mostly used for upper-level students in the Music Production and Engineering program.

- AMS Neve 88RS (48 channels, 13 stems, six mix busses, with automation)
- Apple Mac Pro
- Avid MTRX II (2)
- MOTU MIDI Timepiece AV
- Antelope Isochrone OCX
- Avid Sync HD
- ATC SCM25A (2)
- FM Design Griffin G1.5 (2)
- FM Design Griffin LFE 15S
- Yamaha NS-10M (2)
- Bryston 3B (3)
- FM Design Griffin G 1.5 stereo speaker system
Outboard Equipment
- API 512c (2)
- APi 550b (2)
- API 560 (2)
- API 2500
- Bricasti M7 Reverb (2) with remote
- Chandler Limited TG1
- Crane Song STC-8
- GML 2020
- GML 8200
- Lexicon PCM-42 (2)
- Millennia Media STT-1
- Neve 33609/J
- SSL Stereo Bus Compressor
- Summit TLA-100A
- Tube-Tech CL-1B
- Tube-Tech PE-1C
- Universal Audio 1176LN (2)
- Universal Audio 6176 (2)
Media Recording/Playback
- Studer A827 with remote
- OPPO Digital BDP-95
- Samsung Display
Microphone/Direct Box
- AEA R84
- AKG C414B-XLII (5)
- AKG 451B (2)
- AKG D-112
- Audio Technica AT-4040 (2)
- Audio Technica AT-4050 (2)
- Audio Technica AT-5047
- Audio Technica ATM250
- Audio Technica ATM710 (2)
- Audix D6
- Avalon U5
- Beyerdynamic M160 (2)
- Beyerdynamic M201
- Brauner VMA Tube
- Coles 4038 (2)
- Countryman Type 85 (3)
- DPA 4006C Omni (4)
- DPA 4011C Cardioid (4)
- Electro-Voice RE-20
- Neumann KM184 (4)
- Neumann M-149 Tube (3)
- Neumann TLM170R (4)
- Neumann U47 FET
- Neumann U87 AI (2)
- Radial JDI Passive (4)
- Royer R-121 (6)
- Royer R-122 (2)
- Royer SF-24
- Sanken CO-100 Omni (2)
- Schoeps CMC6 Mk2 (2)
- Schoeps CMC6 Mk4 (2)
- Sennheiser e902
- Sennheiser MD421 (4)
- Shure Beta 52
- Shure KSM44
- Shure SM-57 (8)
- Shure SM-58 (2)
- Shure SM-7B (2)
- Soyuz 013 FET (2)
- Yamaha SKRM-100 Subkick
- Ampeg V-4B Bass Amp
- Ampeg VB-212 Speaker Cabinet
- Bosendorfer 280 Grand with Disklavier DKC 800
- Fender Hot Rod
- Peavey 6505 MH Amp
- Peavey 212-6 Speaker Cabinet
- Roland JC-120
- Vox AC130
- Yamaha Motif XF8
- Hear Back PRO Hub - Personal Cue System (2)
- Hear Back PRO Mixers with Digital Overlay and Intercom (10)
- Beyer DT-102 headphones (10)
- Beyer DT-770 Pro 80 ohm headphones (25)
- Crown D45 (2)
- Redco cue box (5)