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Nate Greenslit

Associate Professor
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Nate Greenslit is an anthropologist of science looking at drugs and society. He received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and has held postdoctoral appointments at the Media Lab and Harvard's History of Science Program, where he also has taught. Greenslit, an active musician, curates the Lost Marbles Salon, an experimental monthly art and science gathering at Cloud Club, the Boston art collective where he lives with his partner and three daughters.

Career Highlights
  • Published "Dep®ession and Consum♀tion: Psychopharmaceuticals, Branding, and New Identity Practices" in the Pharmaceutical Studies Reader in 2015.
  • Published "Facts, Fantasies, and New Online Social Interpassivities" in Fast Capitalism in 2015.
  • Published "How Neuroscience Reinforces Racist Drug Policy" in the Atlantic Monthly in 2014.
  • Published "Why YouTube Matters to the Science of Depression" in Wired in 2012.
  • Published "Antidepressants and Advertising: Pharmaceuticals in Crisis" with Ted Kaptchuk in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine in 2012.
In Their Own Words

"My background encompasses music, philosophy, history, science, math, psychology, anthropology, literature, and performance of all sorts—all for the sake of exploring and expressing just how weird it is to be human. If I could come up with my own job title, it would be "anthro-apologist"—someone who simultaneously defends and apologizes for this weirdness. It's this sense of wonderment (and occasional befuddlement) that I bring to the classroom, informed by multiple traditions of scholarship, critical inquiry, and artistry."