Harvard-Berklee Joint Studies Program

The Harvard-Berklee Joint Studies program is a four-year undergraduate program that allows students to pursue a Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) or Bachelor of Science (S.B.) at Harvard University while engaging in coursework at Berklee College of Music. This program benefits musically and intellectually talented students who wish to pursue a contemporary music education at Berklee and a rigorous liberal arts education at Harvard. Programs of study at each institution are complementary; Harvard undergraduates may choose the degree path that best matches their interests and aspirations. Harvard’s Department of Music offers courses in music history, theory, and cultural studies, along with courses in composition, improvisation, and performance. Berklee offers extensive performance and composition opportunities while also providing courses in production, screen scoring, songwriting, electronic sound design, music education, music therapy, and music business.

At Harvard, students in the Joint Studies program may pursue the undergraduate concentration of their choice, including options for double concentrations, joint concentrations, or secondaries. Students may elect to participate in courses and programs offered by the Harvard Department of Music, including the option for a concentration or secondary in music. Students at Harvard can also participate in Harvard’s performing ensembles or other creative outlets.

At Berklee, students are able to enroll in most courses for which they meet the prerequisites. Students will work closely with Berklee’s advisors to choose courses that fit their individual interests. Students will generally begin by taking private instruction, participating in an ensemble, and/or taking introductory courses that prepare them for more advanced offerings within Berklee’s curriculum. Students who complete at least 16 credits at Berklee will receive a certificate of completion for the Joint Studies program.

Entrance Requirements
Curriculum and Courses

The curriculum for the Joint Studies program is chosen by students independently at both Harvard and Berklee, and therefore highly customizable. Students in the Joint Studies program must manage their schedules carefully, with guidance from advisors at both institutions. Depending on the specific programs of study chosen by the student at each school, course schedules and class times may conflict. Successful navigation will be achieved through flexibility and coordination with program advisors. 

At Harvard, students taking part in the Joint Studies program may pursue the undergraduate concentration of their choice. Students will work closely with Harvard advisors as they declare concentrations and strategize on courses and schedules. Students wishing to pursue interests in the Harvard Department of Music may do so, including a concentration or secondary in music. 

At Berklee, students take one to six Berklee credits per semester. The total number will be determined in close consultation with their Berklee advisor and will depend on their total course load at Harvard and whether they elect to transfer any Berklee credit to Harvard (see below). Students can take most Berklee courses for which they meet the prerequisites, with offerings in performance, composition, songwriting, screen scoring, music production, electronic design, and music business. There are no specific requirements for students to complete at Berklee. Students are free to create their own path in consultation with their advisor. 

Students participating in the Joint Studies program may transfer three Berklee courses (of 2-4 credits) to Harvard, with a maximum of 8 credits towards a concentration in Music. To submit courses for approval, students must complete Harvard’s Proposal Form for Dual Programs of Study out of Residence. This petition must be signed by the student’s Berklee advisor, the Harvard Department of Music Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS,) and the student’s Harvard Resident Dean. Students must provide a course description and syllabus for each proposed course. Courses for transfer credit will be approved at the discretion of the Harvard Department of Music DUS.