Visiting Artists

A recording of Africana Studies Department's Visiting Artists

Visiting Artist: Professor Edis Sanchez

Host and Moderator: Professor Leo Blanco

March 27th, 2024 at David Friend Recital Hall

Hosted by the Africana Studies Department, musicologist Edis Sánchez visited from the Dominican Republic to conduct a master class on Palos Dominicanos, which refers to a traditional genre of Afro-Dominican music and dance that originated in the Dominican Republic. It is an integral part of Dominican folk culture and has African roots, reflecting the country's history of African slavery and the influence of African musical traditions. Palos is characterized by its distinctive rhythm and features drumming, chanting, and dancing. It is a vibrant and expressive cultural expression that has been passed down through generations. Africana Studies students performed, led by Professor Leo Blanco.

Watch a recording of the performance: