
Jessica Sarin-Perry

Associate Professor
Affiliated Departments

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Career Highlights
  • Board of Trustees member, Berkshire Choral International
  • Recordings include That's What Christmas Is (2023), Quartet (2010), The Way That I Feel  (2009, Esther Records), and Clearing My Head (2002, Esther Records)
  • Guest vocalist on Quartet (Jeff Perry, 2010) and The Acker Brothers Santa's Got a Brand New Bag 
  • Leader of the Jes Perry Band
  • Extensive private teaching experience
  • Vocalist, songwriter, and rhythm guitarist
  • Berklee College of Music Professional Education Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence
  • Berklee College of Music Outstanding Service Award
  • School Name
    Cambridge College
    State or Province
    Master of Education (MEd)
    Field of Study
    Date Degree Received
  • School Name
    Berklee College of Music
    State or Province
    Bachelor of Music (BM)
    Field of Study
    Date Degree Received
  • School Name
    University of Connecticut
    State or Province
    Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Field of Study
    Date Degree Received
In Their Own Words

"In the classroom, I focus on being a guide through the material that we're learning. It's not about me or my experiences; it's about the students and the subject that we're focusing on. Most often, students already have an idea about what's being discussed; it's my job to support them as they fully realize those ideas and then apply that knowledge to their own careers going forward."

"I want students to leave my classes feeling confident in their abilities, and with the knowledge they need to be successful in whatever avenue they pursue."

"The programs and classes at Berklee provide such an incredible foundation and breadth of information—it's not just about learning the material; it's also about practical applications once the information has been obtained. Our students have an incredible advantage over students in other music programs I've seen or been a part of because, while we do provide the students with an amazing music education, so much of what we teach, especially in the Professional Music Department, is what to do with that education in the real do you get a job doing what you love, how can you support yourself as a working musician while you're pursuing whatever your dream might be?"

"Berklee is such a diverse musical environment that it can be a wealth of riches and sometimes overwhelming. I try to remind our students that it's not just about the end goal, but also about the enjoyment and discovery along the way. Being open-minded, inviting in experiences, being brave in the face of change, and being willing to change your course—all of these lessons help encourage and support our students as they face challenges and embrace professional life and all the varied and exciting opportunities that are available."