History of Music in the European Tradition: Chronology

Course Number

In this course, students will explore the art music of Europe and the United States. The course will address such important trends as the evolution of counterpoint, the birth of opera, and the emergence of post-tonal compositional practices, using a selection of repertoire spanning the Middle Ages to the present. Students will finish the course with a clear understanding of how the polystylistic music of the twenty-first century has evolved from past practices. Additionally, students will develop a greater understanding of how other cultural forces have shaped musical practice in the West. This course provides a chronological survey of the history of Western classical music.


CM-211 or CM-251, and LENG-111
Required Of
All degree students and CWPR and FILM diploma students not taking MHIS-201 or MHIS-202
Electable By
All B.M. and P.D. students
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Chair
Marcela Castillo-Rama
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult my.berklee.edu(Opens in a new window) to find course information for a specific semester.