Ming Yuan Low
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Ming Yuan Low, Ph.D., MT-BC, is a Nordoff-Robbins music therapist and assistant professor of music therapy at Berklee College Music. His clinical work and research center on community-informed music therapy practices and supports for folks who locate in marginalized identities. His scholarship focuses on critical explorations in music therapy theory and practice, as well as participatory action research with autistic and BIPOC communities.
Low received his B.S. and M.A. in music therapy from Texas Woman's University, and his Ph.D. in creative arts therapies from Drexel University. He has worked as a research fellow at Drexel University in two different research labs, one examining chronic pain in patients with advanced cancer and opioid use in cancer survivors with chronic pain, and the other exploring care-coordination factors affecting health care transition from pediatric services to adult services for minimally verbal autistic youth. Low has presented his research and clinical work at national and international conferences, and has authored and coauthored peer-reviewed journal articles. He has also served in various elected and appointed positions in the American Music Therapy Association, World Federation for Music Therapy, and Malaysian Music Therapy Association. He is on the editorial board of Music Therapy Perspectives and is an article editor for Voices.
- Nordoff-Robbins music therapist
- International, national, and regional presenter at music therapy and autism conferences
- Currently serving in various appointed and elected positions in the World Federation of Music Therapy, American Music Therapy Association, and Malaysian Music Therapy Association
- Currently on the editorial board for Music Therapy Perspectives and Voices
- Recent publications include the articles "Rojak: An Ethnographic Exploration of Pluralism and Music Therapy in Post-British-Colonial Malaysia" written with coauthors and published in Music Therapy Perspectives (2020) and "Vocal Music Therapy for Chronic Pain: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study" written with coauthors and published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2019), and the essay "Unfinished Story" in the book Sociocultural Identities in Music Therapy, Barcelona Publishers (2021)
- Recipient of an MAR-AMTA Collaborative Research Grant, 2017