Publishing Royalty Administration

Course Number

MB-431 Publishing Royalty Administration is a course tailored for those seeking advanced training in music publishing. The curriculum delves into the complexities of rights and royalties in the streaming age, with a particular focus on the functionality and application of the Vistex Music Maestro platform. The course begins with a thorough review of copyright, music metadata, contracts, as well as the diverse spectrum of publishing licenses and revenue streams. This foundational knowledge then sets the stage for an advanced exploration of music publishing agreements, where students learn to interpret and assess contracts effectively. They will also gain insights into the operational dynamics with licensees and third-party administrators. 

The heart of the course lies in translating these theoretical insights into practical skills through the Music Maestro platform. As one of the industry’s premiere rights and royalty management tools, Music Maestro is used to demonstrate the real-world processes of royalty administration, including catalog setup, royalty calculations, statement processing, and income tracking. The course is structured to ensure that students understand the theoretical underpinnings of music publishing and become adept at using Music Maestro to manage and optimize these processes in a professional setting. This approach ensures that upon completion, students are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the music publishing industry with a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical expertise.

MB-211, MB-275, and MB-335
Required Of
Electable By
MBUS and MILI majors
Major Elective for
Music Business
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring
Course Chair
Tonya Butler
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult to find course information for a specific semester.