DJ Techniques for EDI Players and Music Producers

Course Number

This course will provide electronic music focused students the foundational techniques and skills required for DJing in a variety of contemporary settings, such as clubs or online streaming platforms. Throughout the semester students will become familiar with the industry standard DJ equipment most commonly used in today's venues. The course will focus on students finding their own creative voice through exploring curation techniques, set-building, track organization, mixing styles, troubleshooting within a live performance, as well as discussing professionalism, branding and agency in the field. Students will work to hone their personal DJ style as well as work collaboratively on back-to-back mixing. The foundational techniques covered can be applied to all digital DJ formats and will prepare students for real life events. Subjects will include incorporating your own music productions or EDI performance into a DJ set. Students will make a final performance presentation at the end of the semester.

EDI principals or MTEC-213, SW-181, or EP-225
Required Of
Electable By
All B.M. and P.D. students
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Chair
Michele Darling
Taught By
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