Diverse Stylistic Considerations in Contemporary Jazz

Course Number

In this course, students are presented with the opportunity to explore their cultural and artistic background and consider the unique musical elements therein they can include in their work. Students will select music themes from world/folk, classical, jazz, rock, R&B, and other styles. Each student will create lead sheets of their arrangements and perform them in class accompanied by a rhythm section. Students may also choose to present original music influenced by some of the above-mentioned styles. The class will discuss variety of possible interpretations and ways to improvise on each piece considering the stylistic characteristics of today’s jazz and contemporary music. The instructor will provide audio examples and sheet music demonstrating themes from different genres used in jazz and contemporary music and engage students in thoughtful reflection about each example. A resource of lead sheets will be available to students to use for their work.

Overall ensemble rating 4
Required Of
Electable By
All B.M. and P.D. students
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Chair
Dave Limina
Taught By
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