Effortless Mastery 1

Course Number

The aim of this course is to learn how to use an instrument with a clear mind without fear or self-judgment through the first two steps outlined in Kenny Werner's Effortless Mastery. The first is learning to connect to one’s instrument without mental interference. The second is solo and group improvisation, and learning to become one with the sound and merge with the sounds coming from the group.  Students explore methods to expand one's movement on the instrument without self-editing, and arrive at a more efficient and organic way of playing the instrument. With the mind bypassed, the musician can experience how the body actually wants to use that instrument, whether it is a physical instrument or the their own voice. The goal for this course is to learn how to keep the mind out of the way, so that the artist, dancer, musician, actor, or even the business entrepreneur can let their highest ideals or most brilliant ideas flow unimpeded by fear. The course readings include the book Effortless Mastery as well as other readings related to psychology and the spiritual journey. Students explore the wisdom amassed through human history and apply it to the act of practicing, playing, composing or teaching.

Required Of
Electable By
All B.M. and P.D. students
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring
Course Chair
Ron Savage
Taught By
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