Advanced Hybrid Recording Methods and Strategies

Course Number

This advanced, master's level audio recording engineering course will give students a comprehensive review of the methods and strategies that make up the professional practice of studio and post production audio engineering. This course explores the hybrid nature of modern recording techniques and stratagems. The curriculum thoroughly studies the simultaneous integration of advanced large-format consoles, cutting-edge digital audio workstation capabilities, as well as advanced creative acoustic recording methods. The traditional console recording paradigm will be expanded by seamlessly merging it with powerful digital audio workstation signal processing, plug-ins, customized signal flow architectures, and the ongoing research of alternative acoustic soundscapes. The course aims at innovating and streamlining the technological aspects of the recording process as a means to ultimately facilitate the creative endeavor of capturing music and emotion through sound.

Written approval of program director
Required Of
MPTI students not enrolled in MTI-524
Electable By
MPTI graduate students
Semesters Offered
Fall Only
Course Chair
Pablo Munguia
Taught By
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