Electronic Production and Design Major

The student majoring in electronic production and design will master the musical and creative use of electronic production and sound design tools and technologies. Working in professional-level, 5.1-equipped studios, classroom/labs, and performance spaces, students will study electronic composition/production, synthesizer programming, sound design techniques, interactive performance systems, digital signal processing, audio programming, alternate controllers, music with integrated visuals, and more. 

Through classroom emphasis on musicianship, creativity, knowledge of concepts, and technical expertise, as well as close interaction with faculty and visiting artists, students will develop a unique aesthetic vision. Instruction emphasizes deep knowledge of technologies used in electronic music and sound design, and styles of musical expression in an effort to develop an individual creative identity. The electronic production and design curriculum also provides a solid foundation for continued learning and effective performance in a profession that is constantly changing and evolving.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of a major in electronic production and design, a student will:

  • Analyze the properties of complex sound.
  • Develop unique critical listening and assessment skills.
  • Understand synthesizer functions and signal flow.
  • Master a variety of synthesizer programming paradigms including subtractive, additive, FM, sampling, granular, and others.
  • Apply studio technologies and techniques including signal flow, recording, editing, and mixing.
  • Master MIDI and audio production technologies and techniques.
  • Create innovative music using a palette of original synthesized timbres.
  • Design audio elements for visuals.
  • Design and use interactive MIDI, audio, and visual performance and production environments.
  • Perform electronic music live.
  • Design, build, and use hardware and software alternate controllers.
  • Code audio software.
  • Synthesize a historical perspective on electronic instrument innovation and design, musical literature, and pioneers in the field.

Download the electronic production and design concentrate courses. Students are strongly encouraged to verify their course requirements with the Office of the Registrar.

Electronic Production and Design Links