
Garo Saraydarian

Assistant Professor
Affiliated Departments

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Career Highlights
  • Ayn Inserto Jazz Orchestra, main instruments: trombone and oud
  • Arts Engines interview with Aaron P. Dworkin, October 12, 2021: "De-centering Western Music Theory"
  • Columbia University Graduate Student Conference on Philosophy and Education, February 4, 2022: "What Is Hip? An Inquiry into Quality"
  • Publications: "Henry Giroux: The pedagogical Is the Political," The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Thinkers, In B. Grier (Ed.), [2022]; "Before, Between, and Beyond: Communicating Meaning," Telling the Story in the Data: Narrative Writing for Doctoral Students and Qualitative Researchers, in C. Heller (Ed.), Teachers College Press, (2022); '’Space Is the Place’: Thinking Through a Place-Based Pedagogy for Jazz Improvisation,” Jazz Education in Research and Practice, (2021), 2(2); “Should MIT Create a School of Education? A Response,” MIT Faculty Newsletter, (2013), XXVI(2).
  • School Name
    Berklee College of Music and The Boston Conservatory
    Master of Music (MM)
    Field of Study
    Jazz Performance
    Date Degree Received
In Their Own Words

"Growing up in multiple musical cultures, I view teaching as expanding our understanding of approaches that different traditions bring to this amazing phenomenon we call music. My goal in every class I teach is for students to experience specific skills and concepts, not as abstract academic gatekeepers, but as joyful, vibrant perspectives and concepts that add to the practical toolbox of options that students will need in whatever professional role they decide to pursue in music."