Introduction to Effortless Mastery

Course Number

This class serves as an introduction to Effortless Mastery. It can be taken before or after PSEM-200 or PSEM-300 as a means of sustaining a new model of inner success and either initiating or continuing the practices and exercises of Effortless Mastery. This is a course that teaches and practices the basic principles of Effortless Mastery. In the Introduction to Effortless Mastery we will be learning to connect with the instrument without mental interference. The aim of this course is to learn how to use the instrument with a clear mind, and without fear or self-judgment. Students will explore methods to expand one's movement on the instrument without self-editing, and arrive at a more efficient and organic way of playing the instrument without interference of the mind (with its urges and desires). With the mind bypassed, the musician can experience how the body actually wants to use that instrument. For the vocalist, the body is the instrument. They will learn how our improvisations can go from intellectual plans and intentions to the most heartfelt, soul connecting, and again, authentic stream of notes and improvisations. The course readings that will support the work we do will be the book effortless mastery and other readings related to psychology and the spiritual journey. Students will learn how to apply some of the wisdom amassed through human history and apply it to the act of practicing, playing, composing or teaching.

Required Of
Electable By
All B.M. and P.D. students
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring
Course Chair
Karen Bell
Taught By
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult to find course information for a specific semester.