Innovators' DNA

Course Number

This class is designed to help students learn how to creatively solve business problems. More specifically, students will learn about: a) the innovation process and the role of the individual in generating innovations and b) the attributes, habits, and skills of individuals who have successfully started innovative new businesses.  Students are then given opportunities to build their skills at creative strategic thinking so that they will be more successful at generating novel and potentially valuable ideas for their companies. Students will receive a creativity assessment to get a sense for their own creative abilities. They will also learn how individuals that started new companies (or who significantly added value to existing companies) came up with the valuable new ideas. Finally, students will also be asked to apply the knowledge acquired in class by coming up with a creative idea for a new product, service, or business.    

MB-325 and MB-340
Required Of
MBUS majors in entrepreneurial track
Electable By
MBUS and MILI majors
Major Elective for
Music Business
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring
Course Chair
Tonya Butler
Taught By
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