Slide Show: Mayor Helps Open 160 Mass. Ave.
Berklee's Play the Building event, held on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 26, 2014, officially dedicated the tower at 160 Massachusetts Avenue, the first building the college has built from the ground up.
At a ribbon-cutting ceremony, Berklee president Roger H. Brown was joined on stage by newly elected Boston mayor Marty Walsh; chief architect William L. Rawn III, founding principal of William Rawn Associates; Michael R. Eisenson, vice chair of the Board of Trustees; and Lawrence J. Simpson, senior vice president for academic affairs/provost.
Student performers included Berklee World Strings, Pitch Slapped, Beat Boxers, Isis Lune, Charlie the Most, and Sune. The dedication's fusing of music and light displays was masterminded by a group of students in the Berklee Interdisciplinary Arts Institute. Return to the Berklee news section in early March for a story about the innovative BIAI contribution to the dedication.