PODCAST: Inside Berklee—Nichelle Mungo

In this episode of Inside Berklee, Nichelle Mungo talks about the history of the Berklee Gospel and Roots Choir, the difference between traditional and contemporary gospel, and how the choir keeps the party going at Newport. 

July 25, 2017

Nichelle Mungo grew up in a family of gospel troubadours, opening for the likes of the Temptations, the Four Tops, and the Clark Sisters. This weekend she continues that tradition when she takes her latest gospel family, the Berklee Gospel and Roots Choir, to Rhode Island to open Newport Folk Festival’s last day.

“It’s a great time, it’s a great festival, and it’s always successful. And what better to end it than to have blessings by the gospel choir,” said Mungo, an assistant professor in the Voice Depatment.

In this episode of Inside Berklee, Mungo talks about the choir’s history, the difference between traditional and contemporary gospel, and how the group keeps the party going at Newport


Producer: Kimberly Ashton
Engineer: Brian Rajaratnam
Recorded at the BIRN(Opens in a new window) Studios