Berklee Today Wins Bronze CASE Awards

The awards recognized the magazine's "high-art design" and improved redesign. 

June 22, 2023

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) bestowed bronze awards to Berklee Today magazine on Wednesday as part of the group's Circle of Excellence Awards, which CASE calls "advancement's premier international awards program recognizing outstanding work in advancement services, alumni relations, communications, fundraising, and marketing."

Thanks largely to the work of Berklee Today designer Patrick Mitchell, of Modus Operandi Design, the magazine took bronze awards in both the Design: Periodicals and Magazines and Magazines: Publication Improvement categories.

In conferring the design award, the judges wrote, "The high-art design of the submission is truly remarkable, and it immediately captures the attention of the viewer. The photography is outstanding, with each image being well-placed and composed behind overlaying headers." In their blurb for the improvement award, which compares the magazines two 2022 issues to prior editions, the judges noted that the "improved layouts are much more creative and engaging.... The content throughout the magazine is laid out in such a beautiful way; it makes the reader pause to look."

The CASE awards come two months after Berklee Today won recognition(Opens in a new window) from another prestigious organization, the Society of Publications Designers.