Laura Padilla
Laura Padilla (stage name: Lau Miranda) is a City Music College Scholar currently in her eighth semester at Berklee studying Songwriting. Laura is a singer from Berklee City Music Network site A Place Called Home(Opens in a new window) in Los Angeles, CA, and was recently featured as a performer and presenter at the 2014 Berklee City Music Network Conference.
When did you first get involved with Berklee City Music?
My first real experience with City Music was when I came to my first Five Week Summer Performance Program in 2009. That's when I definitely knew that I needed to attend Berklee no matter what.
How did your experience at A Place Called Home help prepare you for Berklee?
APCH prepared me for Berklee by giving me so much experience. Most of my most memorable performances were with APCH and also they gave me the experience of working with a band, how to lead a band, how to work with other singers, and especially the real world experiences of deadlines and pressure. Being 14 years old and seeing how hard this business really is prepared me a lot.
What is your most memorable experience from the BCMN Conference?
I don't think I can pick just one memorable thing from the conference. Getting to meet so many talented and experienced people from the music industry was surreal. Getting to hear the panels gave me a whole new view of things and helped me grow and definitely pumped me up to continue working on my music. I loved getting to jam with Kevin Eubanks, I really enjoyed seeing the City Music students at the Master Class and hearing the advice that Lalah [Hathaway] and Nick [Cooper] gave to the students helped me out! Speaking at the conference and getting to share my journey was also so much fun and having students, parents, and teachers coming up to talk to me was very special for me. I especially loved getting the opportunity to talk to some of the students one on one about Berklee and their music.
What are your goals for the future?
In short, my long term goals are to become Grammy award winning artist. Clearly, I have high goals but I have to aim my arrows high.